We had a pretty good turnout for the finishing touches on the bridge Sunday. Actually had enough to have some folks do some trimming. Thanks to all who showed.
We'd especially like to thank Gordon Services for all their time, effort and equipment in fixing this bridge! THANK YOU!
We'd also like to send a big thank you out to the Bureau of Trails for the supplies we needed.
To see some pictures, CLICK HERE.
Hello Sno-Moles,
We were successful in removing the old structure from the rail bed Friday. Some of the new bridge has been put in place to keep anyone from falling in. The forecast for tomorrow, Sat 11/3 is not good so it has been decided to cancel any work on Saturday and resume on Sunday morning.
We will be meeting at the DPW building in Fitzwilliam. (Link to it on a map is below.) 8 AM for those who can help. Registered ATV’s will help move supplies and people to the site. Show up if you can the more help we have the better. Hope to see you there.
If you're not into cutting brush but you would still like to help? Email us below. There will be something you can help with. The more help we have, the better.
ANY QUESTIONS? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fitzwilliam DPW - 8AM
Off of East Lake Rd. Fitzwiliam, NH
See it on Gmaps here: Driveway to the DPW