UPDATE: 3/14/2017 (Tuesday)
OUR TRAILS ARE CLOSED!!! We have reached out to the Bureau of Trails and have not received permission to re-open them.
This means the gates are CLOSED! The chances of any grooming being done with closed gates are slim and none- so keep that in mind. ALSO, we've had 2 or 3 cold days leading up to this storm, enough to put a thin layer of ice on the lakes and ponds. They are NOT safe and 18" of snow on a body of water will look pretty inviting.... STAY OFF THE ICE ...please.
If the State gives us the OK to open gates then we will. We will post that here and on our Facebook page as well. Thank you for your understading.
UPDATE: 2/11/2017 (Saturday):
Groomers went out last night, did the entire rail bed from Keene to Jaffrey. They also did Annette State Park out to Woodbound.
Please use caution on trails as there are still a few stumps and rocks. Waterways are not safe.
Groomers will be out again tonight so please use caution! If we can keep them awake, might even get out Monday night with the foot of snow they are forecasting! We say; keep it coming!
REMINDER: February meeting will be on Wed Feb 15th this month in light of Valentine's Day.
We are still looking for volunteers for the cookout, food dishes, putting up signs, tables, etc. Please come to the meeting and sign up.
UPDATE 2/9/2017:
FINALLY! We finally got some good snow. We will be sending the groomers out Friday night to groom. Saturday night as well if needed. FYI the ice is still not safe. Unless you are certain, it's best to stay off of it. With 15" of snow on it, it will ALL look good. PLEASE be safe.
UPDATE 2/4/2017:
We sent our groomer out last night, We did the railbed from Jaffrey over to where the railbed crosses Route 12 in Fitzwilliam. Conditions are VERY thin with an icey base. Use caution if you ride. We still need more snow to open the remainder of our system. Treat all ice as UNSAFE! As conditions change, we will continue to update our site. Be safe.