With the return of the Jaffrey Fireworks (awesome event BTW), so to does the club's opportunity to raise funds due to the generosity of Tom Coney. Tom allows the club the use of his parking lot next to the event. Anyone attending the event knows this is the place to park should you care to get home before the crack of dawn! Thank you again Tom!
We would also like send a thank you out to the volunteers that made it happen. Setting up, working and cleaning up afterwards... Those we'd like to say a special thank you to along with Tom are, Chris Silvia, Mark Haskell, Lyle Greig. Dave VanBlarcom and James and Steve Kottke. Any one we missed, your efforts are appreciated as well.
Thanks again to you all, it was a big success as we collected nearly $1700.00 in club donations! Great work!
Monadnock Sno-Moles